biominas brasil


\"\"Biominas Brasil’s consulting team attended the BIO International Convention, the world’s biggest biotechnology event, held at Philadelfia between 15 and 18 June. Eduardo Emrich, CEO, Arthur Nigri, the Communication and Marketing area’s coordinator and Josiely Gomes, Consulting & Business Development’s area coordinator, represented Biominas Brasil.

Participating in the event was a great opportunity to identify companies interested in exploring the Brazilian market, either through strategic partnerships or establishing their own units in the country. Some companies were interested in identifying high potential projects in our research centers or in exploring Partnerships for Productive Development (in Portuguese Parcerias para o Desenvolvimento Produtivo – PDPs) together with Brazilian public drugmakers.

The event explored topics such as biotechnological innovation in emerging markets, in addition to presenting the main opportunities in Brazil, like the evolution of our regulatory framework, funding for innovation related activities and the excellency of our basic research.

It also gathered the Brazilian industry’s main players, from the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development (Agência Brasileira de Desenvolvimento Industrial – ABDI), National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária – ANVISA), Brazilian Development Bank (Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social – BNDES), Funding Authority for Studies and Projects (Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos – FINEP), Biomanguinhos, Butantan and also private companies such as Aché, Biolab, Bionovis, Orygen among others, setting thus an important networking locus for the entire Brazilian delegation.

For more information about the event click here.

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