biominas brasil


Brazil has created and will produce a vaccine against Schistosomiasis, a chronic illness caused by the Schistosoma parasite found in areas that lack basic sanitation. On June, 12 in Rio de Janeiro, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz) issued the results of clinical safety testing for the vaccine developed by the Experimental Schistosomiasis Laboratory of Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC/Fiocruz). Based on the antigen Sm14, developed and patented by the IOC, the vaccine puts Brazil at the forefront of knowledge in a field of high technological complexity.

The vaccine is also multipurpose, having already shown efficacy against fasciolosis, another parasitic infection that affects both humans and cattle. Fiocruz expects the new vaccine to be used as a basis for developing others against diseases caused by parasitic worms

Since the beginning, the research was financially supported by the IOC and the funding mechanisms of scientific research as CNPq and FINEP, among others. Its first phase of technological development was supported by the Program for Technological Development in Health Products (PDTIS / Fiocruz).

In 2005, Alvos licensed from FIOCRUZ both veterinary and human vaccines, and conducted the following stages of technological development with the effective participation of the group of researchers from FIOCRUZ involved in the identification of the molecule. Besides own resources, Alvos raised additional funds from FINEP. In 2010, the company was acquired by Ourofino Agribusiness, who took the final clinical stages of the process and industrial development.



Alvos Biotecnologia was conceived by Biominas Brasil.


Alvos Biotecnologia was conceived by Biominas Brasil and Fir Capital, being approved by the Investment Committee of the PTT (Technology Transfer Program) in 2004, receiving funds for its creation. The PTT is a partnership between Biominas and the Interamerican Development Bank that provides financing and investment in emerging life science companies.

Alvos Biotecnologia business model included the internalization of promising technologies from universities and R&D centers, adding value by advancing in their development and subsequent licensing to third parties who should conduct the final stages of development and marketing

Since its inception Biominas Brasil’s Consulting and business development team assumed the company management; and advised Alvos analyzing and evaluating the technology licensed from Fiocruz, raising funds from FINEP, conducting licensing procedures, identifying partners and on the sale to Ouro Fino in2010.

Source: Agência Fiocruz de Notícias

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