biominas brasil


\"ParceriaBiominas Brasil and Genopole announce that the two organisations have signed a strategic exploratory partnership agreement to foster exchanges in life sciences between Brazil and France.

Biominas has been actively engaged for over two decades in the promotion of biotechnology and commercial activities in life sciences in Brasil. In the words of Biominas’ President & CEO, Eduardo Emrich: “We are very excited to work with Genopole. Teaming up with such a reputed European biocluster will allow us to advance our international reach and to support new business opportunities between Brazilian and French companies”.

Genopole is France’s leading biocluster. It was founded in 1998 and has focused from inception on research in, as well as on the development of commercial applications derived from, genomics and post-genomics. According to Pierre Tambourin, Genopole’s CEO: “Our view of biotechnology is increasingly international, and therefore, we are keen on establishing connections with emerging economies. We have found that there are great dynamics in Brazilian biotechnology and we look forward to working more closely with Biominas”.

The agreement between Biominas and Genopole provides a framework for a series of exchanges over the next 15 months and it is structured to facilitate the definition of projects amenable to become concrete premises for the establishment of more formal collaborative partnerships between their organizations, or directly between their biocluster stakeholders. The latter could include other relevant entities in France and in Brazil that are located outside the immediate vicinity of the Genopole and Biominas biocluster sites. The parties will also support actively each other in making introductions to public and private stakeholders in France and in Brazil, in order to promote the specific objectives of their respective stakeholders.

For more information about the services and solutions offered by Biominas and Genopole, make sure to visit our websites: and




Biominas Brasil is a private institution established in 1990 and dedicated to creating companies and businesses in the life sciences industry in Brazil. Biominas supports national and international research projects, companies and investors at all stages of development, through a variety of services including Consulting, Business Development and Incubation. Biominas also publishes studies and organizes business events for the life sciences sector, such as BIO Latin America.




Genopole is the leading French biopark actively promoting research in genomics and post-genomics as well as the development of the biotechnology industry in healthcare, synthetic biology and with environmental applications. Genopole’s biocluster site has over 2,250 specialists working across 19 public research laboratories, 81 biotech companies and 21 shared-use technology platforms and infrastructures. Genopole is also located at the heart of a scientific environment of excelence comprising a number of major research and teaching institutions. Genopole is also associate member of the Paris Saclay campus.



Press Contact:

Biominas Brasil
Arthur Nigri
+55 (31) 3303 0012
Anne Rohou
+33 (0)1 60 87 83 10
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