ELAN Network grows with 11 new members
In the last ELAN Network Membership Committee celebrated in March, 11 organisations from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Slovenia become member of ELAN Network. All of them are relevant actors of innovation ecosystems that work for bringing the results of applied research to the market in collaboration between the EU and LAC.
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Biominas Brasil. The Fundação Biominas, also known as Biominas Brasil, offers solutions to all development stages of a business in the life sciences sector. This organisation has in its core business initiatives aimed at entrepreneurship and innovation, from the acceleration of ideas to business expansion. It is also a reference in consulting services (project management, elaboration of reports and guides) and in the relationship with the national and international life sciences ecosystem (production of high level events, such as the BIO Latin America Conference). These are, therefore, the three business areas of Biominas Brasil: Entrepreneurship, Consultancy and Business Relations. More information: https://www.biominas.org.br |
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Cámara de Comercio de Quito (CCQ). The Chamber of Commerce of Quito is a non-profit organisation with 111 years of trajectory. It is the professional body that brings together the largest number of entrepreneurs at national level. Its associates are from micro to large companies, national as well as multinational, linked to agricultural, industrial, commercial and services sectors with focus in the national market, import and export. Currently, CCQ is chairing the National Federation of Chambers of Commerce of Ecuador, which has 95 associated chambers. More information: http://www.lacamaradequito.com |
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Cámara de Industrias, Producción y Empleo (CIPEM). The Chamber of Industries, Production and Employment is characterised by permanent support to the productive sector and, at the same time, has maintained a joint work with academia and public authorities, encouraging the improvement in the competitiveness, productivity and safety of the sectors it represents and of all citizens of Cuenca-Azuay. More information: http://www.industriascuenca.org.ec/ |
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Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Telecomunicações (CPqD). CPqD is an independent institution, based on innovative Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). It was created in 1976 as the Research and Development Center of the Telebrás System (Brazilian Communication System). CPqD\’s R&D program includes studies to facilitate future technology transitions, projects to meet market needs and the use of technology to implement society digital transformation strategy. CPqD\’s technology platforms are: cognitive computing, advanced computing, data networks, wireless communications, optical communications, energy systems, electronic embedded systems, information and communication security. More information: https://www.cpqd.com.br/ |
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Chamber os Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (CCIS). CCIS provides essential services for enterprises operating in Slovenia, and it is the ideal local partner for foreign investors. It was founded more than 160 years ago and now has 7,000 member companies of all sizes and from all regions. It is a non-profit, non-governmental, independent business organisation representing the interests of its members and is Slovenia\’s most influential business association. CCIS unites under its roof 24 branch associations representing all sectors of Slovenian economy and operates a network of 13 regional chambers. More information: https://eng.gzs.si/ |
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Conselho Nacional das Fundações Estaduais de Amparo à Pesquisa (CONFAP). CONFAP is a non-profit organisation, which articulates all the existing 26 State Funding Agencies in Brazil – named FAPs. Each FAP has in its own mission to foster science, technology and innovation for granting the state long term and inclusive development. Therefore, among others objectives, the FAPs have in their programmes specific actions to foster TBBOs by both, funding projects directly (particularly for SME) and stimulating the partnership between academia and industry (Triple Helix). More information: http://www.confap.org.br |
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Grupo Bioeconomía (Bioeconomy Group). It is a non-profit organisation with a strong commitment to renewable energy, added value, sustainability, biotechnology, bioplastics, biopolymers, biomass. Bioeconomy Group is being led by the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange, which promotes the best use of natural resources to help reduce waste, avoid pollution and climatic change. More information: http://www.grupobioeconomia.com.ar |
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Holland House – Cámara de Comércio Colombo-Holandesa (Dutch-Colombian Chamber of Commerce). Its aim is to promote Romania, the West Region and Timis county as leader in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency and the new sustainable energy fields; to participate in international networks as partner or coordinator in projects which concern member organisations competitiveness raising through national and international cooperation. More information: http://www.hollandhouse-colombia.com |
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Inria Chile. Inria Chile is a technology centre set up by Inria (Institut Nacional de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique), a French public institution devoted to Research and Development of future digital technologies within the fields of computers sciences and applied mathematics. Inria Chile seeks to develop innovative projects in Chile, providing its clients and partners with high added value solutions. The Centre works in strong collaboration with academy and industry. More information: http://www.inria.cl |
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Pro Ecuador. The aim of Pro Ecuador is to promote the exportable supply of goods and services of Ecuador with emphasis on the diversification of products, markets and actors, and the attraction of foreign investments, fulfilling the objectives of PNBV. More information: http://www.proecuador.gob.ec/ |
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Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS). The UPS is articulated to a network of more than 42 Salesian institutions of Higher Education worldwide that enables feedback in experience and development as well as social and academic experiences. The university is present in three of largest cities in Ecuador: Cuenca, Quito and Guayaquil. It has 23.579 students, 1.063 teachers, renewed and equipped laboratories and 50 research groups in the areas such as: life sciences, science and technology, agricultural sciences, management sciences, social sciences, human behaviour, among others. For 2015 it carried out 150 research projects and is a recognised business incubator. More information: http://www.ups.edu.ec |
What type of network is ELAN Network?
A Triple Helix network composed of proactive and participative intermediary organisations that create multiplier alliances between agents of the ecosystem, in order to strengthen their ties and abilities to support SMEs in the development of TBBOs between EU and LAC.
- Business Support Organisations: chambers of commerce, clusters, incubators & other entrepreneur support organisations, etc. that work with SMEs in various different domains: innovation, internationalisation, competitiveness, entrepreneurship…
- Knowledge and Technology based Organisations: universities, technology and innovation centres, etc. with an ability and interest in identifying the best ideas, in order to transform them into business.
- Public Sector Actors: internationalisation and/or innovation promotion agencies, regional development agencies, etc. drivers of the innovation ecosystem in their territories and owners of programmes and policies that support the generation of business opportunities.
You can consult the full list of members here.