biominas brasil


\"\"The ELAN Network is an engine that drives the co-generation of technology-based business opportunities between Europe and Latin America. It brings together key European and Latin American research and innovation actors (R&I), who promote technology based transformation processes and economic growth, and Biominas Brasil is one of this members. Click here to know more about the inniciative, and see below updated news about the ELAN Network and its members.


Industry 4.0, Energy and ICTs are the focus of ELAN Network Argentina Event 2017

On 27th and 28th of June activities and group dynamics will be carried out with the general aim of identifying the current state of the selected topics, establishing challenges, improving and consolidating areas for the generation of business opportunities based on the transfer of technology. + info


ELAN Network Peru 2017 will address the challenge of developing sustainable cities

\”Technological solutions for an integral urban growth. Sustainable business LAC-EU\”, that will take place on 4th and 5th of July in Lima, aims to promote the generation of technology-based businesses between Europe and Latin American in order to address the main challenges of the country in sustainable growth\’s terms. + info


El tercer evento ELAN Network en Costa Rica logró afianzar Y fortalecer redes de negocio entre UE y LAC

Entre los resultados de este año en Costa Rica, destacan las 211 reuniones de negocio efectuadas, de las cuales surgen 76 son posibles oportunidades de negocio, 10 oportunidades con alto potencial y 2 alianzas de efecto multiplicador, en los ámbitos de Nano/ Biotecnología, TICs y Energías Renovables/ Alternativas. + info


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