biominas brasil


\"\"The ELAN Network is an engine that drives the co-generation of technology-based business opportunities between Europe and Latin America. It brings together key European and Latin American research and innovation actors (R&I), who promote technology based transformation processes and economic growth, and Biominas Brasil is one of this members. Click here to know more about the inniciative, and see below updated news about the ELAN Network and its members.


23-24 October, ELAN Event in Santiago, Chile, “Technologies and Business Models to Face the Energy Challenges of the 21st Century”

Chile and the world are undergoing a process of significant and critical energy transformation. Renewable energies bring new technological challenges for all market players and this is generating new opportunities that require comprehensive and interdisciplinary solutions for the efficient use of all available resources. This event offers an attractive space, with unique methodologies, to generate Technology Based Business Opportunities (TBBOs) between Chilean and European companies, for the development of new technologies in order to better face the energy challenges of the 21st century.

The event is organised by Centro de Innovación UC Anacleto Angelini in collaboration with CORFO, SOFOFA, Eurochile, Inria Chile and TECNALIA, and will be coordinated with the Exhibition and Conference of Renewable Energies (ExpoERNC 2017), organised by the Non Conventional Renewable Energy Association of Chile, ACERA. With this partnership between both events, the European companies will have four days in order to identify business opportunities. + info


Participantes en Eventos y Misiones ELAN Network Comparten su Experiencia

13 eventos en LAC y 3 misiones técnicas en Europa, con un total de más 2.000 asistentes, una media de unas 450 conexiones establecidas por evento y alrededor de 500 oportunidades identificadas.

¿Pero quiere saber más sobre la parte experiencial? Participantes en actividades ELAN Network comparten con nosotrs sus impresiones. + info


Great Business Opportunities in the ELAN Network!!!

The joint cooperation among the different members of ELAN Network, as well as the work put forth by the different types of organisations which participate in the project activities.  Both elements have contributed to a dramatic growth of technology-based businesses and strategic alliances between Europe and Latin America. The result is that the number of both types of cooperation have tripled with regard to previous years. + info


6 New Members from Costa Rica, Finland, Peru, Poland and Portugal

The ELAN Network continues growing and with the recent incorporation of new members following the recent ELAN Network Membership Committee held on 1st June, the network is now made up of 61 organisations. You are invited to discover the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University In Warsaw, the Habitat Sustentável Cluster, Finnish-Latin American Trade Association, the Costa Rica for Innovation Foundation, the Polish Chamber of Commerce, and SENCICO, and find out how they work to bring applied research results to the market through collaboration between the EU and LAC. + info


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