

Company designs and manufactures equipment for remote diagnostic telemetry solutions and other medical equipment. The company’s solutions will allow on-site examination of the patient and transmit their results for use by the physician in their own cloud https://idis2gobr.online/ or computerized system under the brand name IDIS2GO. They provide diagnostic function and periodic supervision of the patient during the course of treatment or rehabilitation. Solution supports complete operation in Offline (collection and storage of exam results without Internet access and synchronization with the Cloud), and «Online» mode (automatic transmission of exam data to cloud storage).

CONTACT:  +55 (61) 99356-5665 | +55 (31) 3303-0000 | ofice@idis2go.com.br

WEBSITE: www.idis2go.com.br



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    Av. José Cândido da Silveira, 2100 - Horto, Belo Horizonte - MG, 31035 - 536

    +55 (31) 3303-0000
