

BIO 2015 convenção internacional sobre biotecnologia

A Convenção Internacional da Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), maior evento mundial na área de biotecnologia que ocorreu na Filadélfia (EUA) entre os dias 15 e 18 de junho, contou com a participação de mais de 15 mil pessoas. O Brasil participou da convenção com o pavilhão construído com o apoio institucional da APEX/MDIC, coordenado pela […]

Missing link found between brain, immune system; major disease implications

In a stunning discovery that overturns decades of textbook teaching, researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have determined that the brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to exist. That such vessels could have escaped detection when the lymphatic system has been so thoroughly mapped throughout […]

Receita Complexa

Um dos grandes desafios da indústria de saúde no Brasil é reduzir a dependência tecnológica, com mais investimento em pesquisa e inovação. O setor conta hoje com R$ 3,6 bilhões de programas federais para financiar projetos de P&D, dos quais R$ 1,9 bilhão do Inova Saúde, da Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (Finep), vinculada ao […]

Tecnologia altera saúde na segunda metade do século

  Entre os exemplos, a pílula anticoncepcional contribuiu para a emancipação feminina Nos últimos 50 anos, foram muitas as inovações que aconteceram na área da saúde em todo o mundo. Embora grande parte dessas novidades tenha data de criação anterior a 1965, foi na segunda metade do século passado que muitos procedimentos se popularizaram, permitindo […]

DNA-Based Personalized Medicine May Change Healthcare Forever

Ever feel like your doctor’s orders don’t really match up with what your body wants or needs? Well, you’re not alone. And there’s a whole new wave of doctoring just around the corner, deemed “personalized medicine,” which uses DNA sequencing to develop treatments designed around your unique genes. What that means: In most cases, all […]

How To Make Big Data Actionable For Better Health Care Insight And Value

What can big data do for health care? And does it hold the same promise of new insights that it holds for other industries? A new Optum™ infographic shows what big data is and isn’t. And it shows that by making big data actionable, the result will be insights that improve patient care, reduce risk […]

Designing a Hospital to Better Fight Infection

In a new approach to reducing the scourge of hospital-acquired infections, a team of scientists has been testing thousands of microbe samples from a Chicago hospital to learn how a medical building might make patients sicker. Data from the three-year Hospital Microbiome Project are still being analyzed. So far the team has found factors including […]

How Rules and Bureaucracy Breed Innovation

Most of the matter in the known universe is stuff that we have no way of seeing. Dark matter–the incredibly dense, invisible material that exists between stars, planets, and all the other objects that we can see–accounts for over 80 percent of the total matter in the cosmos. What can astrophysics teach us about innovation? […]

The eight essentials of innovation

Strategic and organizational factors are what separate successful big-company innovators from the rest of the field. It’s no secret: innovation is difficult for well-established companies. By and large, they are better executors than innovators, and most succeed less through game-changing creativity than by optimizing their existing businesses. Yet hard as it is for such organizations […]

Biominas Brasil and Genopole sign strategic partnership

Biominas Brasil and Genopole announce that the two organisations have signed a strategic exploratory partnership agreement to foster exchanges in life sciences between Brazil and France. Biominas has been actively engaged for over two decades in the promotion of biotechnology and commercial activities in life sciences in Brasil. In the words of Biominas’ President & […]

What can Latin America learn from the Israeli open innovation ecosystem?

With a small territory, located in one of the most historic and troubled regions of the planet, and almost 8 million inhabitants, Israel is one of the largest centers of technological and scientific innovation in the world and a real factory of technology and entrepreneurship. In 40 years, Israel went from an agriculture-based economy to […]

Big pharma turns to small biotechs for edge in cancer treatment

Partnerships between big pharma and small biotech companies have highlighted the scramble for assets in a new category of medicines billed as the most important breakthrough against cancer for decades. Novartis of Switzerland, Merck of the US and its German namesake Merck Serono have all forged alliances in recent days aimed at strengthening their position […]

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