

IQualiS Biotecnologia, a company incubated at the Federal University of Lavras/Inbatec, operates in the areas of agribusiness and biotechnology. It is a highly qualified company in services in the area of soil microbiology, such as enzymatic activity analysis, quantification of microbial biomass and cultivable and non-cultivable microorganisms, in addition to carrying out efficiency tests of biological products in the greenhouse and field.

Thus, IQualiS Biotecnologia explores soil microbiota as a fundamental tool for monitoring, maintaining and recovering “soil health”, contributing to plant growth and production.

We use efficient methodologies with innovative and differentiated solutions, which allow the client to assess the management of cultivated soils, the process of recovery and rehabilitation of degraded soils (e.g. mining companies and areas contaminated with heavy metals), among others.


CONTACT: contato@iqualisbio.com.br | +55 (35) 99994-9550

WEBSITE: www.iqualisbio.com.br

SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn


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    Av. José Cândido da Silveira, 2100 - Horto, Belo Horizonte - MG, 31035 - 536

    +55 (31) 3303-0000
