

MedLogic is a software specialized in elderly healthcare, maximizing their autonomy and independence and drastically reducing care costs. The software classifies individuals according to their degree of frailty (not age) and generates an individual and automated care plan, with scientifically validated tools.

It is a complete platform for transition hospitals, healthcare providers and geriatric residential that includes: financial administrative management, stock of drugs and miscellaneous items, care modules such as: drug prescription, geriatric assessment, nursing evolution, medication, among others.


CONTACT: +55 (31) 3213-9716 | +55 (31) 99270-0043 (WhatsApp)

WEBSITE: www.medlogic.com.br

SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter | COVID-19 pandemic website: www.ilpi.me


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    Av. José Cândido da Silveira, 2100 - Horto, Belo Horizonte - MG, 31035 - 536

    +55 (31) 3303-0000
