
Scienco Biotech

Scienco is part of the Biominas HUB virtual modality, and produces inputs for the production of ELISA kits, such as the TMB reagent and a series of streptavidins. ELISA assays are widely used diagnostic tests for a number of diseases, including the current COVID-19. Innovating in the national diagnostic supplies market, the startup offers a totally national product, of high quality, ready to use and with immediate delivery.


CONTACT: info@scienco.bio.br

WEBSITE: www.scienco.bio.br

SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram | LinkedIn


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    Av. José Cândido da Silveira, 2100 - Horto, Belo Horizonte - MG, 31035 - 536

    +55 (31) 3303-0000
